/ 10 August 2018

Postgraduate opportunities

Reports indicate that Cosatu was excluded from the consultation process on Nene’s dismissal.
Choose the bursary option that suits your studies best
  1. Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust Bursary Grant South Africa 2018-2019

The Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust awards study grants to students studying towards an MA or PhD. Bursaries are awarded to the value of maximum R20 000 per annum and applicants must reapply each year.

Applications close on September 20 2018.


2. Maize Trust Bursary South Africa 2018-2019

The Maize Trust awards bursaries in fields of study related to the agricultural sector and to the South African maize industry. Bursaries will be awarded for MAs and PhDs only.

Applications close on January 31 2019


3. The South African Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage (SACCCS) Bursary 2018-2019

The SACCCS awards bursaries within the field of Carbon Capture and Storage. The bursary award covers tuition fees for MA and PhD research studies.

Applications are open throughout the year.


4. South African National Space Agency (Sansa) Bursary 2018-2019 

Sansa is offering bursaries to students who are interested in the fields of earth observation, space science and engineering. Bursaries will be awarded to the value of the following amounts: honours students, R 60 000; master’s students, R 98 000; and Doctoral students, R120 000.

Applications close on August 15 2018.


5. Smit Amandla Marine Bursary South Africa 2018-2019

Smit Amandla Marine is a specialist marine solutions provider company in Southern Africa and awards bursaries to students studying towards marine-related qualifications at a South African university or university of technology.

Applications close on October 7 2018.

For further details, send and email to [email protected]

6. Afda Postgraduate Honours Development Bursary South Africa 2018-2019

The Afda Postgraduate Honours Development Bursary is intended for students who wish to study towards a postgraduate BA honours qualification in Motion Picture.

The bursary will cover the tuition fees of the course for one full year of study.

Applications close on September 30 2018.


Things to look out for in 2019

1. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Aims) bursaries South Africa

Aims has a master’s one-year programme in Mathematical Sciences. There are two intakes each year (January and August) and the curriculum runs over three semesters. All fees and living expenses are paid for by Aims.


2. South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (Sarao) Postgraduate Scholarships

Sarao provides scholarships for academically excellent students who wish to undertake postgraduate-level research relevant to the scientific and technical goals of the SKA and MeerKAT radio telescopes, and who are:

  1. South African citizens, or permanent residents of South Africa; or
  2. Citizens of Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia.

Applications close in early August each year.


3. Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship South Africa

The scholarship comprises two parts — financial funding for postgraduate studies and a leadership development programme. The funding component is for postgraduate studies at a South African tertiary institution, whereby students will receive full funding (honours students for a maximum duration of one year and master’s students for a maximum duration of two years).

Applications close in mid-April each year.


4. FoodBev Seta Bursary South Africa

FoodBev Seta is offering bursaries to full-time students who are enrolled at South African universities, studying towards a master’s degree or PhD within the food and beverage manufacturing industry. The bursary value is up to a maximum of R50 000.

Applications close in February each year.

For further details: [email protected]

5. French Embassy Master’s Scholarships South Africa

Every year, the French Embassy awards 20 master’s scholarships for the duration of one French academic year. Scholarships are available for students in the first or final year of their master’s degree. The scholarship covers tuition fees, flight tickets (return trip), Schengen visa fee, health insurance and a monthly stipend toward living costs.

Applications close on March 24 each year.


6.  FirstRand Laurie Dippenaar Scholarship South Africa

This bursary programme is for international postgraduate study to a maximum value of R750 000 per annum, for a maximum duration of two years. The bursary recipient will be required to return to South Africa on completion of their studies, for a minimum duration of five years.

Applications close in February each year.
