Eric Auchard
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/ 28 May 2008

Next Microsoft operating system has touch controls

Microsoft plans to give users of the next version of its Windows operating system touch screen controls as one option for controlling the software, its top executives said on Tuesday. Chairperson Bill Gates and chief executive Steve Ballmer showed off new Windows features based on software it calls ”multi-touch” that will be part of Windows 7.

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/ 13 May 2008

Web start-up unveils semantic Wikipedia search tool

Powerset on Sunday unveiled tools for searching Wikipedia that use conversational phrasing instead of keywords, marking the first step of its challenge to established web-search services such as Google. Powerset’s technology breaks down the meaning of words and sentences into related concepts, freeing users from always needing to type the exact words they want to find.

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/ 30 March 2008

‘Switch off, save planet’ message goes global

The Sydney Opera House to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge went dark as people switched off lights in their homes and skylines dimmed around the world on Saturday to show concern with global warming. Up to 30-million people were expected to have turned off their lights for 60 minutes by the time ”Earth Hour” — which started in Suva in Fiji — completed its cycle westward.

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/ 7 March 2008

Who needs IT experts? Workers take control

Savvy office workers frustrated that their on-the-job computer tools don’t function as smoothly as, say, an Apple iPod are taking matters into their own hands. No longer are they relying on company technicians, or information technology (IT) administrators, to choose the software needed to get the job done.