Foreign-owned financial institutions have indicated that they will withdraw if forced to indigenise.
The Zimbabwean president is keen to improve his image as the mooted new chair of the regional body, but critics are worried.
British mogul Nicholas van Hoogstraten has teamed up with Zimbabwe’s mines minister to change the board of the coal-mining Hwange Colliery Company.
With Muammar Gaddafi out of the picture, President Robert Mugabe
is severing commercial and diplomatic ties with Libya.
The Reserve Bank plan to inject liquidity into the economy with a $100m interbank trade facility is dead in the water. So now what?
Land for ‘New Harare’ has been carved out at President Robert Mugabe’s farm in a process shrouded in secrecy.
Facing serious funding problems, the Zimbabwean government may switch on the money presses again.
High-level sources say the former Reserve Bank governor looks certain to become finance minister.
Secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa’s failing health would prevent him from actively pursuing promotion at Zanu-PF’s elective congress.
Compensation remains unresolved as questions about the land watchdog’s independence persist.