The University of Cape Town’s Academic Freedom Committee has let intellectual freedom down regarding Professor Nicoli Nattrass’s commentary in the South African Journal of Science
New ideas and technologies can provide solutions but
in unethical hands they can be dangerous
The Desai case showed how ‘corporate authoritarianism undermined collegiality’.
Ten years after the university’s merger, two researchers argue that internal and external politics have caused massive damage.
<b>Nithaya Chetty</b> describes the excitement of developing computational material science in Africa.
An independent account of the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s merger has yet to be written.
All South Africans who care about our future are committed to the broad principles of transformation in the higher education system.
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/ 24 November 2008
Green movements are important for society, but they often lack a rational scientific approach and this causes more harm than good.
South Africa is embarking on a programme to increase its PhD output. This strategy is an important effort to boost the entire educational system.
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/ 19 February 2008
South Africa is not producing a sufficient number of free and critical thinkers, and this raises questions such as “Why is this the case?” and “Why is our higher education system failing in this respect?” — and, perhaps less obviously, “Does South African society need free and independent thinkers?”