The late British monarch played a low-key role in helping to keep the commonwealth together through many disputes about race
After 28 years of democracy, South Africa is having to reform its political party-based electoral system to make it fairer
South African politics is in a state of flux which must necessarily result in a realignment of political forces
The pattern is now well established: crisis, intervention, promises by the Zanu-PF regime to behave, and then relapse after a decent interval to the sort of behaviour that prompted the latest crisis in the first place.
Since the demand for resources far outmatches the patronage available, Lesotho’s political arena has become brutally competitive
The Democratic Alliance’s problems can be traced back to the politicisation of race, which has persisted even after the dawn of democracy in 1994
The current crisis in British politics is significant for countries like South Africa where a change in electoral systems is needed
Polls indicate that voters are unlikely to abandon the African National Congress
Unexpressed racism may be even more dangerous if it’s left lurking below the surface
Cyril Ramaphosa has done well so far but more challenges relating to reigniting the economy lie ahead.