The blight on our past and our future must haunt us as much as it haunts the victims left behind
Ex-police commissioner Riah Phiyega hoped to quash findings including colluding in a cover-up and misleading the public about what happened at the platinum mine in 2012.
Testimony about the events of 13 August 2012, when five people died at Marikana, has provided new details of the police’s incompetent handling of the striking mineworker situation.
The family members of mineworkers killed during the Marikana massacre in 2012 have yet to see a police officer held to account, and police testimony thus far appears unclear
Nomawethu Ma’Bhengu Sompeta, whose funeral will be held this weekend, was unequivocal in calling out the government for its response to the Marikana massacre
Joyce Jokanisi died without knowing who killed her son in Marikana and while still battling with heartache and depression from the massacre
The eight-year battle for justice played out its next round in the Mahikeng high court this week
We must remember the 44 people killed and 78 injured in main part to prevent such actions being repeated
The department of justice has failed to compensate miners for their losses
A report highlights inconsistencies that demand that the police should scrutinise their actions