/ 30 May 2024

Stay abreast for success


Five emerging trends in business education

The future of MBA programmes and business education hinges on their ability to keep pace with a rapidly changing world; likewise, the survival and relevance of business schools depend on how effectively they adapt their curricula to address trends and challenges as they emerge. In South Africa, business schools are leading the way, adapting MBA programmes to prepare future leaders for a complex, dynamic global market.

  1. Tech-driven evolution

Artificial intelligence (AI), automation, machine learning, cloud computing and blockchain are more than buzzwords; they are essential tools for business leaders to master. MBAs are increasingly incorporating modules that teach the practical applications of these technologies — exploring the role of AI in strategic decision making or blockchain’s potential in supply chain management — enabling students to leverage them for strategic advantage to manage and drive digital and technological transformation. 

With the exponential growth of data, the ability to analyse and derive actionable insights has become a crucial skill. MBA programmes now frequently include comprehensive data analytics training, equipping students with the skills to interpret and visualise complex data sets and make informed decisions, reflecting a broader trend towards evidence-based management. 

  1. A business case for sustainability 

Recognising the importance of sustainable practices and ethical leadership, business schools are responding by embedding sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into their core curricula. 

Across the board, students are challenged to develop innovative solutions that balance profitability with ethical considerations and environmental impact. This triple bottom line approach expands conventional business success metrics to include people, profit and the planet, ensuring that an organisation contributes to social wellbeing, environmental health and a just economy. 

  1. Experiential learning for real-world application

Experiential learning methods are becoming increasingly popular. Business schools are moving away from traditional lecture-based teaching, incorporating simulations, case studies and real-world projects into their programs. These hands-on approaches allow students to apply theoretical concepts to real business challenges, fostering a deeper understanding, honing problem-solving skills and providing students with practical experience that bridges the gap between academia and industry. 

  1. Globally connected

As the global village expands, understanding and navigating diverse cultural contexts is becoming a critical competency for business leaders. For this reason, many educational institutions and business schools are incorporating cross-cultural experiences, international immersions, field trips and global consulting projects to foster a more nuanced understanding of global business practices. This perspective is invaluable in today’s interconnected world, as it prepares graduates to navigate and lead in various cultural and economic contexts.

  1. Adaptable, flexible, specialised and personalised 

The rise of online and hybrid learning models have also revolutionised business education accessibility, as the flexibility offered by these models allows working professionals to pursue advanced degrees without sacrificing their careers. Many business schools now offer blended learning options that combine online coursework with periodic in-person sessions, providing students with the best of both worlds. This also allows for a greater degree of specialisation and personalisation in learning.