/ 15 February 2022

MOMENTUM presents women and children healthcare podcast series


Covid-19 has disrupted health systems around the world and threatened access to essential health services for women and children. But the health and wellbeing of mothers and infants depends on their continued access to these services — including quality prenatal care, delivery with a skilled birth attendant, breastfeeding support, postnatal care, and voluntary family planning.

Amid the ongoing pandemic, health systems and country leaders are working tirelessly to serve their communities’ needs while supporting health workers and facilities. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership is excited to launch a three-part podcast series, MOMENTUM Presents, featuring country leaders on the frontlines of the Covid-19 response.

The series highlights experiences and strategies for maintaining essential maternal, newborn and child health services, family planning and reproductive health services in the face of the pandemic. Podcast guests share how their countries have expanded existing health platforms and quality improvement efforts to maintain safe, high-quality healthcare for women and children. 

The first episode, which you can listen to below, features Dr Surendra Sharma, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership’s State Team Leader in India. Dr Sharma shares how he and his team worked to instill a sense of security among public and private providers to safely deliver care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Check out the podcast for more details about innovative approaches to improving water, sanitation, and hygiene and infection prevention and control during the pandemic.

The second episode, also linked below, features Patricia Bah from Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation, and Marian Pleasant Kargbo, Sierra Leone’s Family Planning 2030 Youth Focal Person. They discuss what it takes to reach adolescents and youths with critical health services despite the incredible challenges of Covid-19.

To listen to the podcast series, click here