Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said it would be unfortunate for SA/US relations if the bill comes to pass
The bipartisan bill accuses the ANC, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Naledi Pandor of anti-semitic statements
There is good and bad news – strong bipartisan support for improving Agoa and little consensus on what improvements should be made to the Act
Joy Basu said the US wants women owned business to benefit more from Agoa
During the closing ceremony of the forum, minister Ebrahim Patel reiterated that early renewal of the trade programme was preferable
South Africa’s eligibility has been called into question, with some US lawmakers citing the country’s stance on Russia and, most recently, Israel and Gaza
Wamkele Mene said Agoa, which grants eligible African countries duty-free access to US markets, ought to pursue greater alignment with the African Continental Free Trade Area
The old trade winds are blowing again and we must take notice, writes editor-in-chief Ron Derby
A lack of cohesion and common vision means the continent has lost clout on the world stage
Africa’s stock is rising amid the United States’ efforts to wrestle back economic influence on the continent
The world is changing and alliances shifting which presents opportunities for the continent if the citizenry is engaged
While the continent’s design talent is in top form, bold policy moves are needed to realise the vast potential of the sector, according to
a Unicef report
Many will accept more authoritarianism if it means less poverty. To be secure, democracy must make a difference in people’s lives
AU commissioner Albert Muchanga said reciprocal US access to duty-free African markets would not benefit the continent
Beneficiation growth, decent work, penalties for companies that violate labour laws and ensuring multinational companies pay taxes in Africa are among the issues unions will raise
Congress members will stay at home to pass key government spending bills but a senior trade representative will lead a US delegation
This week’s Agoa forum will discuss ways to get more out of the trade agreement