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/ 10 August 2007

Congo grapples with malnutrition

Sitting at a small clinic in the Talangai area, north of Congo’s capital, Brazzaville, Elise Diamba holds the hands of her malnourished two-year old grandson. "Gérard’s mother stopped breastfeeding him when he was seven months," the 61-year old grandmother says. "He hadn’t even started walking. Since then, his health has not been good."

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/ 7 August 2007

Congo-Brazza president tightens grip

The Republic of Congo heads into a second round of voting on Sunday, but many there are wary of electoral chaos and the fact that their lives aren’t improving much, despite their country pumping out billions of ­dollars from oil every year. The remaining 84 seats in Congo’s 137-seat Parliament will be fought over after a first round of voting in late June gave President Denis Sassou-Nguesso’s Congolese Labour Party a huge victory and a further stranglehold on his rule.

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/ 18 August 2005

Congo acquits 300 in genocide trial

A Congolese court on Wednesday acquitted all 15 defendants in the trial over the 1999 murder of about 350 refugees in Brazzaville after finding them not guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. However the court ordered the Congolese government to pay 10-million CFA francs to the relatives of 86 of the missing refugees.

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/ 19 July 2005

‘Brazzaville beach’ trial gets under way

The trial opens in Brazzaville on Tuesday of 16 people accused of slaughtering dozens of President Denis Sassou Nguesso’s opponents in the explosive case of the ”beach missing”. The trial of those charged with the killing of people who disappeared after returning from exile in 1999 marks the last chapter in a political and legal saga that has touched both Congo and France.

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/ 28 May 2005

Ebola kills another in Congo

Another person died of Ebola in the north-western Congo, raising the number of victims to 10, health officials announced on Friday. The latest victim died on Thursday in Etoumbi district after being in contact with her husband, who succumbed to the haemorrhagic fever on May 11.

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/ 20 May 2005

Congo battles Ebola outbreak

Authorities in the Congo have quarantined two north-western districts hit by the deadly Ebola virus to ensure the highly contagious disease does not spread, officials said on Friday. The two districts — Etoumbi, where eight deaths were recorded, and Mbomo, where a ninth person died — were sealed off on Wednesday.

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/ 3 February 2005

Summit to tackle threats to Africa’s rainforests

Leaders from Africa’s Congo Basin gather in Brazzaville with international officials on Saturday for a conference on the threats facing the region’s vast forest expanses, one of the world’s two lungs. The seven-nation meeting aims to breathe life into a conservation treaty signed in 1999, but which has so far made little progress.

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/ 19 November 2004

Rights groups call for protection of pygmies

Human-rights groups on Friday urged the Congo’s government to ratify an international treaty that would protect the rights of pygmies, many of whom live in virtual slavery in the country. Most of the Congo’s estimated 600 000 pygmies live deep in its north-eastern forests, eking out an existence by hunting and gathering.

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/ 12 March 2004

Congo govt forces, rebels in firefight

Government forces killed seven rebels south of the capital in a rare firefight this week, a government spokesperson said. The rebels, loyal to renegade Pastor Frederic Bitsangou, were killed on Tuesday near Kinkala, 70km south of Brazzaville, spokesperson Alain Akouala said late on Thursday.

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/ 12 February 2004

Aids on the rise among Congo’s women

The Aids virus is spreading in the main cities and towns of the Republic of Congo, with a higher average rate of HIV-positive people among women than among men, according to a survey published on Thursday. The survey shows that the national average rate of infection is 4,2% among people aged 15 to 49.