But the apex predators also face threats from human activity in South African waters and their numbers are fast dwindling as a result
Government panel blames killer whales for the depleted population of great white sharks, but experts say overfishing is the big culprit that is not being addressed
If sharks habitats aren’t known, it’s harder to conserve either the animals or those habitats
How do you survive a potentially lethal attack by a great white shark? Mathieu Dasnois found out on the Wild Coast.
<i>National Geographic</i>’s Chris Fischer and other scientists have been re-issued research permits after the death of a body boarder in Cape Town.
The City of Cape Town says the tagging of False Bay sharks for a documentary could not be linked to an attack on a body boarder.
The City of Cape Town warned on Tuesday that great white sharks would now be moving closer to the shore.
Marine researchers in SA had a narrow escape after a three-metre great white shark breached the surface of the sea and leapt into their boat.