The PIC’s former head of IT security did not set out to become a whistle-blower. He was fired and is testifying at the inquiry into the PIC
The proposal to lower Sagarmatha’s pre-listing share price was not supported by the PIC’s investment team
The former PIC chief executive says the PIC removed Kholofelo Maponya as Daybreak Farms boss to save the poultry business
The former PIC CEO denies sinister dealings between PIC and SA Home loans
The former PIC chief executive denies he exerted pressure on PIC beneficiaries to fund ANC celebrations
The former PIC boss alludes to political interference in some of the state asset manager’s investments
The former PIC CEO denies he orchestrated a merger between KiliCap and Sakhunmotho
Former PIC CEO testifies that the asset manager was persuaded by influential people, including senior political figures, to fund companies
The PIC former CEO concedes that some allegations made by employees regarding his leadership could be true
The UDM leader wants the PIC inquiry to probe millions allegedly received by former PIC CEO, Dan Matjila
Suspended acting CEO says former PIC CEO Dan Matjila did not tell her about the multibillion rand deal before it was signed off
Matshepo More tells PIC Commission it has been misled by earlier testimony
Leaked messages show how, Lawrence Mulaudzi, gained an inside track with the PIC setting his sights on becoming a billionaire with pensioners’ money.
The ICT company has denied wrongdoing, however, the JSE has ordered an audit of the financial statements
The state asset manager did not divulge the nature or extent of the alleged interference Matshepo More is alleged to have caused
A former Public Investment Corporation executive who was given over R7-million to leave the organisation says she wants her job back
According to the former IT head at the PIC, his work life started to take strain due to an unresolved conflict between him and More
The merger of the CEO and the chief investment officer roles at the PIC is a centralisation of power that exposes the PIC to huge risk
Simphiwe Mayisela was suspended from the PIC in November of 2017 and eventually dismissed on June 2018 following various charges of misconduct
The climate of fear and distrust in the corridors of the Public Investment Corporation has a long and chequered history
The commission said it is aware of the ‘clearly orchestrated recent flurry of messages” on Twitter circulating inaccurate information
The commission extended the public hearings by a day on Tuesday but would not be drawn into revealing who the mystery witness is
A former board member told the PIC inquiry that having a deputy finance minister as chair exposes the organisation to political interference
Former non-executive director Claudia Manning told the commission that the board had been divided since September 2017 when the Nogu emails emerged
Claudia Manning will be speaking for the first time since she stepped down from the PIC
Questions arose around the identity of the whistleblower ‘James Nogu’ and whether he worked alone or with an accomplice within the PIC
The inquiry heard how an investigator for the asset manager could not uncover the identity of a whistleblower by the name of ‘James Nogu’
‘The PIC has a kitty of about R2-trillion in government workers’ pension money to invest. If it makes bad investments, the taxpayer suffers’
The first week of PIC hearings was expected to be tame, but that was quickly overtaken by startling developments