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/ 14 May 2008

Thousands protest food prices in Burkina Faso

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in several towns in Burkina Faso, one of the world’s poorest countries, on Wednesday to protest the rising cost of living as part of a three-day general strike. In the capital, Ouagadougou, demonstrators started marching from the headquarters of the main unions and the city centre.

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/ 26 February 2008

IMF: New subprime losses main risk to world growth

World economic growth could miss the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) forecast of 4,1% this year if United States and European banks disclose more major losses on the subprime market, the head of the IMF said on Monday. Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned that emerging economies would not escape the effects of the slowdown in rich countries.

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/ 9 December 2007

Biofuels: Danger or new opportunity?

The growing promotion of environmentally-friendly biofuels is raising questions for Africa: Are such fuels a threat to food security or a golden opportunity to cut down on fossil fuel bills? About 300 experts gathered earlier this month in the capital of the non-oil producing West African nation of Burkina Faso to debate the pros and cons of biofuel generation on the continent.

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/ 27 November 2007

Côte d’Ivoire leaders fine-tune peace deal

Leaders of Côte d’Ivoire were to meet on Tuesday with President Blaise Compaore of neighbouring Burkina Faso to fine-tune details of a peace deal brokered by him. Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo and his Prime Minister Guillaume Soro will travel to Burkina Faso to discuss and sign supplemetary sections to the peace accords.

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/ 23 February 2007

Africa’s biggest film festival opens in Ouagadougou

Africa’s biggest film festival opens on Saturday in the capital of Burkina Faso hoping for a revival of the continent’s ailing cinema industry. The Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou, or Fespaco, which runs from February 24 to March 3, is a two-yearly event gathering more than 3 000 film types from across the continent.

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/ 20 January 2007

West Africa to seek delay to EU trade deal

West Africa plans to ask the European Union for a two-year delay to a planned economic partnership agreement (EPA), leaders said at a summit on Friday, but the EU’s executive Commission ruled out a postponement. Brussels hopes to negotiate far-reaching EPAs with six regions in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific to come into force by January 1 2008.

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/ 11 December 2006

Govt comes to rescue of Burkinabe ‘soul eaters’

Burkina Faso launched an effort on Sunday to offer identity cards to hundreds of women chased from their village for alleged witchcraft and often forced to live on society’s periphery in abject poverty. ”We are here to tell them, you are citizens,” Burkinabe Human Rights Minister Monique Ilboudo told the country’s TNB public television station.

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/ 27 September 2006

Mbeki battles to unlock Côte d’Ivoire’s peace process

South African President Thabo Mbeki, who is battling to jumpstart Côte d’Ivoire’s stalled peace process, ended talks on Tuesday with President Laurent Gbabgo and Burkina Faso’s Blaise Compaore without releasing any results. Gbagbo boycotted the talks between the main parties to the conflict last week at the United Nations headquarters in New York on grounds that the peace process had ”failed”.

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/ 21 August 2006

Dozens feared dead as Burkina ends mine search

Rescuers in Burkina Faso called off a search on Monday after a flooded mine shaft collapsed, leaving dozens of illegal gold panners feared dead buried beneath tons of waterlogged dirt, local residents said. The official toll from Thursday’s accident in Poura district was three dead and 10 reported missing but residents said 46 were still believed to be underground.

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/ 20 December 2005

Burkina Faso’s long-time leader sworn in again

Long-time ruler Blaise Compaore took the oath of office on Tuesday for another term as elected president of Burkina Faso, a West African nation whose people are among the world’s poorest. Nearly a dozen African leaders looked on as Compaore took the oath of office after a landslide November re-election for another five-year term.

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/ 13 November 2005

Burkina Faso votes amid opposition protests

The West African cotton state of Burkina Faso was set to choose a president on Sunday amid opposition charges of vote rigging and abuses by the president, widely expected to return to power. President Blaise Compaore, in office for 18 years, is standing for a third time in one of the poorest countries of Africa.

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/ 8 September 2004

African poverty summit kicks off

Heads of state from 17 African countries on Wednesday attended the opening of an African Union summit in Burkina Faso to craft a jobs creation plan to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty. The summit was addressed by Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaore, who welcomed his fellow leaders to the two-day meeting.

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/ 20 August 2004

‘When I had finished, they didn’t even bleed’

The arrest this week of a 63-year-old woman in Burkina Faso accused of circumcising 16 young girls has brought home to many that genital mutilation is still widespread in the West African state, despite being outlawed. She sliced off parts of the girls’ genitalia under driving rain ”in the backyard, where they usually kill chickens”.

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/ 24 March 2004

Saving the Burkinabe teen brides

It is an article of faith in development circles that assisting girls to complete their education — and postponing the age at which they have children — benefits both the girls and the communities they live in. This truth is proving difficult to entrench in Burkina Faso, however, where early marriages are often the norm.

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/ 17 March 2004

Meningitis kills more than 400 in Burkina Faso

Meningitis has killed 403 people between 1 January and 7 March 2004 in Burkina Faso, where 2 060 cases of the disease have been reported. According to the Ministry of Health, the disease has reached epidemic proportions in two of the country’s 53 districts -– Diebougou in the south west and Nanoro in the central region.

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/ 25 February 2004

Call on traditional healers to help fight Aids

The government of Burkina Faso has urged traditional healers in West Africa to collaborate with scientific researchers in the fight against HIV/Aids by using herbal treatments to address Aids-related illnesses such as tuberculosis and diarrhoea. The fourth International Traditional Medicine Show opened this week in Burkina Faso.