Minister tells African Energy Indaba country ‘wants to be island of angels in sea of poverty’
The South African United Fishing Front wants discussions between those ‘for and against’ oil and gas exploration in South Africa’s seas
Searcher Seismic says it will suffer ‘catastrophic’ financial prejudice from the interdict, but small scale fishers say they will suffer significant irreversible harm to their livelihoods if the survey proceeds
The Legal Resources Centre hails court order as stunning victory for indigenous communities along the coast
Fourteen applicants, including small-scale fishers, have filed an urgent application in the Western Cape high court to interdict the Australian-based Searcher Seismic, Searcher Geodata and its seismic vessel BGP Pioneer
They are worried about the effect of blasting on the snoek fishery, which is the basis of their income
The Legal Resources Centre and Richard Spoor Attorneys are heading to court for urgent interdict against Searcher Seismic, an Australian exploration outfit