Remedial action against officials suspected of wrongdoing must be taken, says the ministerial task team investigating the defence department
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While officials remain entangled in bureaucratic knots, clinicians warn that the continued closure of the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital risks a ‘humanitarian disaster’
The defence branch will assist with mass testing, screening and contact tracing
Twenty land borders have reopened after a month’s closure prompted by congestions that raised concerns about the spread of the virus.
Military health officials are puzzled by the defence department importing a drug that has not been approved for treating coronavirus symptoms from Cuba
Cyril Ramaphosa’s creative employment of the SANDF as part of Covid-19 relief efforts is an example of using the military to build social cohesion
This week the South African Military Health Service issued a call to registered medical personnel to join the Reserve Force as volunteers until June 23 as part of the operation against Covid-19
SANDF officials considered launching a probe into the ‘doctored’ certificate
The high court wants more details about the nature of the illness preventing the former president from appearing on corruption charges
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/ 20 January 2008
About 2Â 000 nurses have been deployed to under-served areas across the country since the start of the year, the Department of Health said on Saturday. In a statement, the department said it will also open additional nursing colleges to increase the supply of nursing staff.