Empowering women and girls to be equal players and climate change decision-makers is critical
With a 250% increase in plants confiscated from traffickers since 2019, the declines are unprecedented, says South African National Biodiversity Institute
Institutions and nonprofits have stepped in to provide training, manuals and other support.
Butterfly and moth species, which are indicators of change in ecosystems, are declining with some becoming extinct.
About 200 000 mostly dwarf succulents confiscated from poachers have to be cared for while police continue their investigations
Polyphagous shot hole borer looks set to become most damaging biological invasion in South Africa
But Agricultural Research Council says outbreak is normal, and only a medium-sized outbreak
Loss of habitat to agriculture, the spread of invasive species and changes to natural fire cycles are biggest culprits
In a single day, temperatures in northern KwaZulu-Natal climbed to a lethal 45°C, causing a mass die-off of birds and bats
From pangolins to pythons, species are being threatened by poachers for lucrative markets. A Namibian tells of her bid to make a difference
Sipho Kings reports on the findings of a mega government report on the state of our plants and animals, and what’s being done to secure their future
In a world-first, South Africa has quantified the damage done by invasive species. Sipho Kings breaks down the new report
South Africa has become the first of the world’s mega-diverse countries to assess fully the status of its entire flora — a staggering 20 456 species.