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/ 14 July 2004

The bug deal

Three years ago John Assimwe knew almost nothing about Africa’s insect life. Like most Ugandans, he was more preoccupied with the tall task of making a living in spite of the country’s crushing poverty and sparse employment opportunities. But then he stumbled upon a dream money-spinner: collecting rare insects from the country’s lush tropical forests, pickling them and exporting them to wealthy private collectors.

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/ 2 December 2003

White-water maniacs

A group of South African rafters is preparing for the first ever trip to navigate the length of the world’s longest river from source to sea, 142 years after British explorer John Speke identified the source of the Nile. They are attempting to negotiate a formidable 6 690km stretch of water.

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/ 12 September 2003

Bangladeshi force settles in Bunia

After two months of relative calm in Bunia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) most war-torn town, the 1 500-strong French-led peacekeeping force called in to protect it in June completed its withdrawal last week, amid grave fears among local residents about their security.

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/ 29 August 2003

Ivory trafficking booms in East Africa

Last week a huge consignment of six tonnes of ivory, believed to have been hunted in the DRC, was seized in Zambia. East Africa is fast becoming a major international hub for ivory trafficking, yet efforts to catch traffickers are being frustrated by poor regional cooperation.