Provincial leaders suspect foul play as Mabuyane appears fifth on the party list in race for premier
/ 8 December 2023

Provincial leaders suspect foul play as Mabuyane appears fifth on the party list in race for premier

ANC Women’s League provincial chair Ntandokazi Capa is first on the list while Eastern Cape chairperson and premier Oscar Mabuyane’s position hangs in the balance

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Butt out, Youth League tells ANC leaders
/ 30 June 2023

Butt out, Youth League tells ANC leaders

The league’s members say its elective conference has been delegitimised by interference

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Mkhangelwa fit to lead ANCYL, not ‘lapdogs’, says new Eastern Cape chair
/ 27 June 2023

Mkhangelwa fit to lead ANCYL, not ‘lapdogs’, says new Eastern Cape chair

Luntu Sokutu has questioned the call for the Eastern Cape’s Mntuwoxolo Ngudle to get support for the youth league secretary general position

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ANC Youth League defies Eastern Cape provincial secretary with Mbalula’s aid to elect new leaders
/ 27 June 2023

ANC Youth League defies Eastern Cape provincial secretary with Mbalula’s aid to elect new leaders

The provincial leadership accused the ANC provincial secretary of attempting to influence the outcomes of its conference

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ANC youth league presidential candidate lobbies for second  secretary general
/ 23 May 2023

ANC youth league presidential candidate lobbies for second  secretary general

Collen Malatji, who received an endorsement from Gauteng, is hoping to add more women to the league’s leadership

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Eastern Cape, KZN to form united block for ANC Youth League conference
/ 17 March 2023

Eastern Cape, KZN to form united block for ANC Youth League conference

The two biggest provinces in the league hope to take at least two positions in the top six when the structure sits for its conference in June

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