/ 8 June 2023

‘This is Jo’burg’ Season 1 Episode 5: Outsiders

Joburg Podcast 5

Jo’burg has always been a city of migrants. But how welcoming is it these days?

Now that the City of Gold has lost a lot of its sheen – has it become insular? And are we treating newer arrivals like outsiders?

Charles Leonard asks three women from different backgrounds about the idea of being outsiders, about being Jo’burgers and what this city means to them.

Host: Charles Leonard

Guests: Edith Chikwana; Srila Roy and Lynsey Chutel

Photograph: Charles Leonard


Compiled, produced, hosted & engineered by Charles Leonard.

Recorded in May 2023 for the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS).


  1. 1. Hugh Masekela – Awe Mfana
  2. 2. Daphni – Mapfumo
  3. 3. Guy Buttery, Mohd. Amjad Khan & Mudassir Khan – Bakithi
  4. 4. Brenda Fassie – Ngeke Umconfirm
  5. 5. Kokoroko – Abusey Junction