“Why not? Why not you? Why not now?”

This quote helped me develop the mindset that got me to believe that I have greatness within me and that the only thing that could get between where I am and where I want to be is my own mindset and my belief in myself. It helped me overcome the imposter syndrome that often holds us back from reaching for the stars and collaborating with others to achieve great things. This quote drove me when we were starting the Young Leaders Seminar and Unplugged and Incharge NPO in 2015. We managed to encourage and support over 15 000 high school learners to take maths in grade 10 and pass grade 12 through various programmes and initiatives.

Leap and then the net will appear. 

Often courage and boldness are the things lacking in talented people. We wait too long to get started because we want everything to be perfect and guaranteed before we make the leap. This quote gave me the confidence to go through uncharted and uncertain terrain; the confidence needed to start a business at a young age and boldly pursue big dreams without letting fear get in the way. 

The “big shots” were “small shots” who never stopped shooting. 

Some like to say fake it till you make it. Instead, I think genuinely doing your best every time you get an opportunity, going the extra mile by putting in more than the work that’s expected of you, being declined, and having a willing attitude will eventually get you the results you’re looking for in your business and in your life.


Arts & Entertainment


Bluecloud AI and WTG Media House

Weza Matomane, 31, is the founder and CEO of Bluecloud AI & WTG Media House. Over the past decade he has become one of South Africa’s top voice-over artists and leads a team in delivering innovative digital campaigns for major South African brands, including SABC1, Sasol, Sanral and Metro FM. He has also opened up the industry for many young people by training and mentoring over 600 aspiring voice-over artists from around the world through his online academy. He regularly hosts workshops to give South African youths the skills they need to work in the entertainment industry. His passion for empowering the youth has led him to contribute to establishing a number of NPCs including Unplugged & Incharge and the South African Social Media Awards. Weza believes the digital age has many employment opportunities and aims to empower the youth by contributing to the establishment of an influencer economy and e-commerce revolution in South Africa through tech start-ups such as Bluecloud Ai & DROPD. He believes this country has the potential to produce more leaders of the digital age and he envisions it as a “thriving nation with a higher number of highly skilled and educated youth that are ready to compete on the global stage”. “I believe that each of us possesses a unique flavour that we can contribute to the world. My goal is to leave the world infused with some of that flavour. When my time comes to depart, I hope to have made the world just a little bit saltier!” Weza says.

  • Marketing Management, University of South Africa
  • Chemical Engineering, University of Pretoria

  • One of my proudest moments was leading my team to achieve an unprecedented milestone for our client, SABC 1, the largest television broadcaster in South Africa. I was entrusted with the immense responsibility of heading their digital strategy, an opportunity I embraced with excitement and enthusiasm. We launched a digital campaign called #SABC1siON. After managing their digital platforms for almost a year, the campaign generated over 1 billion impressions! This remarkable achievement marked the first time the national broadcaster had experienced such tremendous success on their digital platforms. 
  • Another significant accomplishment was being appointed the digital and PR agency for the Metro FM Music Awards by South Africa’s largest urban radio broadcaster, Metro FM. Our goal was to reintroduce the MMAs to South Africans after a five-year hiatus. The campaign was a massive success and a major milestone for my team.
  • The #BlackIsBack campaign also exceeded 1 billion overall impressions during the campaign period. Impressively, this was achieved in just two weeks. Both campaigns underscored the untapped potential that our national broadcasters possess. 
  • A significant achievement was our contribution to the digital and PR communications for President Cyril Ramaphosa’s mass education campaign on the Covid-19 vaccination rollout. We used artificial intelligence to assist the GCIS, National Department of Health and National Department of Social Development in combating misinformation on social media and educating the public about critical health protocols. This campaign, the largest educational and nation-building effort in the country, was aimed at saving lives and livelihoods. Our efforts earned our team a Prism Award for the best Covid-19 campaign in 2022.

When I was four years old, my mother would read the Bible to me and teach me that I am the salt of the earth. I believe that each of us possesses a unique flavour that we can contribute to the world. My goal is to leave the world infused with some of that flavour. When my time comes to depart, I hope to have made the world just a little bit saltier!

If I could talk to my younger self this is what I’d tell him: You’ve got everything you need in life already inside you. Trust your instincts, believe in yourself, and be more confident in pursuing your ideas. Be brave and dare to dream. Most importantly, get started before you’re ready, don’t wait for perfection — innovate and fail forward.

In five years, I envision South Africa as a thriving nation with a higher number of highly skilled and educated youths  who are ready to compete on the global stage. My hope is that the youth of South Africa will be well-prepared for the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions, with access to top-notch training and education programmes that equip them with the skills needed to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

This can be achieved through a significant increase in access to technology and connectivity, with improved infrastructure and widespread availability of high-speed internet. This will enable more people to participate in the digital economy and take advantage of the opportunities it presents.

Overall, I believe that South Africa has the potential to produce more leaders of the digital age and I look forward to seeing the country’s continued progress toward achieving this vision.

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