BOMB THREAT THE African National Congress’s Shell House headquarters in Johannesburg received a bomb threat on Monday night. The police searched the building but nothing was found. The entire block was cordoned off overnight
SAMWU STRIKE ALMOST 80% of all municipal workers in Greater Johannesburg took part in a strike by the South African Municipal Workers Union on Tuesday to protest the privatisation of municipal services.
ARMS DEALER ANDERS JENSEN, the Danish arms dealer who fled to South Africa in 1983 to avoid charges by the United Nations for selling 6 000 tons of ammunition and explosives to the apartheid regime, is still a free man. The South African police said on Tuesday they are unaware of any request for his extradition to Denmark, dspite his being on Interpol’s most wanted list for breaking the UN arms embargo against South Africa.
NEHAWU STRIKE ABOUT 3 000 members of the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Tuesday, carrying placards asking for a rank promotion and demanding a 9% pay rise. The union dismissed government’s earlier offer of a 7,5% increase as “inadequate”.
MOBUTU HAS OP OUSTED Zairean dictator Mobutu Sese Seko was on Monday moved from one hospital to another in Rabat in Morocco. Mobutu underwent surgery on Monday for internal bleeding at the Avicennes hospital. He was later moved to the Mohammed V military hospital for recuperation.