/ 10 July 1998

`Green’ Bill up for debate

Fiona Macleod

`Sustainable development” of natural and cultural resources for the benefit of current and future generations is the main thrust of the draft National Environmental Management Bill, now up for public debate.

Individuals and organisations have until July 29 to submit comment on the Bill, which the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism is determined to push through during this parliamentary session. Public hearings are likely to be held in September, say its drafters.

The Bill defines “sustainable development” as development which “does not reduce the availability of renewable resources to future generations; and minimises the rate of depletion of a non-renewable resource”.

Another key principle is that public participation in decision-making about the environment should be promoted. The department will act as “lead agent” in protecting the environment, but it must perform this role in balance with “the principle of co-operative governance”.

The Bill states all national departments and provincial governments have been consulted, as well as the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the Chemical and Allied Industries Association and the South African National Civics Organisation.

Foremost among the bodies the legislation aims to set up are a national environmental forum, a commission on sustainable development and a committee for environmental co- ordination.

The forum will comprise “a well- balanced mixture of representatives which shall inform the minister of the views of interested and affected parties”.

The committee’s chief role will be to co-ordinate the environmental functions of government and provincial departments. The commission will assist in reporting to the international community on the state of the environment.