l The Nobel Prize in Physics: Professor Robert S Laughlin, Stanford University; Professor Horst L Strmer, Columbia University; and Professor C Tsui, Princeton University for discovering that electrons acting together in strong magnetic fields can form new types of “particles”, with charges that are fractions of electron charges.
l The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Walter Kohn, University of California at Santa Barbara and John A Pople, Northwestern University, for developing methods that can be used for theoretical studies of the properties of molecules and the chemical processes in which they are involved.
l The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: Robert L Furchgott, State University of New York; Louis J Ignarro, University of California at Los Angeles; and Ferid Murad, University of Texas Medical School, for discovering that nitric oxide is a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system.
l The Nobel Prize for Literature: Jos Saramago, Portugese author of such award- winning novels as Blindness and The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis.
l The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel: Amartya Sen, Trinity College, Cambridge, for contributing to welfare economics.
l The Nobel Peace Prize: To be announced on October 16.