OWN CORRESPONDENT, Johannesburg | Tuesday 11.00am.
AFTER having criticised Trott Moloto for being ‘too inexperienced’ to take the Bafana team to the World Cup 2002, Leeds United skipper, Lucas Radebe has now called for support for Moloto to be retained as an assistant mentor under a recognised Fifa-accredited tactician Carlos Alberto Parreira.
“The only way as a nation we can move forward is for us to be more supportive of each other and the drive for success rest solely on Moloto’s shoulders,” Radebe said.
He added Moloto could be inspired to take further coaching courses if he gets a chance to work under a person like Parreira.
“If he (Moloto) fails to deliver, he must be shown the door and vice-verse. It’s as simple as that,” said Radebe.
Molefi Oliphant, Safa president claimed that the organisation’s general manager, Dennis Mumble, flew to Brazil to negotiate with Parreira and later South Africa’s 2006 Bid CEO, Danny Jordaan, was given the task of finalising those negotiations.
Parreira denies being contacted by any Safa officials for almost six months and Jordaan claimed tha tit was not in his “territory”.
“Soccer coaches don’t make plans,” said Parreira. “They act — and it is impossible to act when you are not handed a proposal.”
This startling disclosure reveals the growing controversy and indecision of Moloto fate as coach.
Speculation on Safa decision is flying as to whether Moloto will be retained for the crucial World Cup qualifying game against Zimbabwe on July 8.
An emergency meeting has been called by Safa on Thursday to decide whether or not Moloto will be retained for the Zimbabwe game.