/ 17 August 2000


BACTERIOLOGISTS at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute in Pretoria are baffled as to what is causing chunks of meat to glow and frighten rural villagers in Northern Province. Head of the bacteriology division Dr Maryke Henton said it was the first case of its kind that she had investigated, and that she believed it was something in either the meat or salt, that caused it to glow. She said numerous bacteria had been found in the meat, but that test results were only expected next week. The mystery emerged when Northern Province police were handed meat by an alarmed pensioner who claimed that the meat glowed in the dark. It was later sent for analysis at Onderstepoort. Since then other villagers in the Northern Province have also reported the strange phenomenon. Villagers have begun speculating about omens, miracles and curses. Others say sangomas working for butchers make the meat glow if customers haven’t settled their debt.