If the US co-operates with an African dictatorship, it is guilty of propping up an African tyrant; if it opposes the dictatorship, it is guilty of imposing American ideas of democracy on Africa; if it does nothing at all, it is guilty of “marginalising” the country. If the US acts, it is wrong; if it doesn’t act, it is wrong; if it half-acts, it is wrong for not acting enough and wrong for acting at all.
Hatred of the US has nothing to do with its policies abroad, which have never been as brutal or arrogant as those of the communist countries. The reason for hating the US is simple envy. The US is free, prosperous and proud and this drives supporters of failed ideologies and sects into furious jealousy which sometimes becomes murderous jealousy. Andrew Kenny, Noordhoek
Having travelled to your country twice over the past three years to share my expertise in how to start small businesses with many of your impoverished citizens, I am deeply offended by your editorial saying that two-thirds of the world has little to thank the US for.
Here in the US increasing numbers of Americans recognise how incredibly well off we are relative to the rest of the world. We are choosing to use our prosperity to show others how they can build their lives. In this time of our crisis it would be nice to receive recognition for what we offer the world, rather than be excoriated for presumed failures. Annette Dunlap, North Carolina
I am sure the reason South Africa has not given more than $1-trillion to countries around the world since World War II is because it inherently had the wisdom to see the futility in such expenditures.
I am also sure that citizens of South Africa did not have to watch their young pilots being dragged, by cheering mobs, through the streets of Mogadishu because they inherently knew the futility in any attempt to help the hungry and the oppressed in Somalia.
Finally, I am also sure the reason that I have many new South African friends and neighbors is because they could not bear to live in a perfect utopia, such as South Africa.
All sarcasm aside, I know our government is certainly not without blame in the world, but let us be judged by those world leaders who have wisely and effectively spent their trillions. Carl Fenley, San Diego, California
There has not been a rock allowed to rest in the same place in the Middle East for 3000 years. Just how can you justify the reasoning that this is the fault of the US? You say that without US patronage, Israel cannot survive. My question is why Israel’s survival is in question in the first place, and do they not, as does every living thing on this planet, have a right to survive? Jim Hill, via e-mail
Do innocent people have to be killed before terrorists are stopped in their tracks? If you belong to a terrorist organisation, act like one and smell like one, then you are most likely a terrorist. Do not expect judicial protection, because by definition you are a dangerous outlaw. Perhaps the US’s new anti-terrorism campaign will clarify this point to the rest of the world. Nahum Gat, via e-mail