/ 16 August 2002

Estimated worldwide HIV infections: 48 108 480 as at 11.27am on Thursday,

Pilot programme: This week De Beers announced it would start making anti-retroviral treatment for HIV and Aids available to its employees, but it will first have to consult with the government, trade unions and other stakeholders.

All permanent employees, spouses or their life partners would be allowed to join the programme and would have access to the drugs during a two-year pilot period. The company will review its position after the trial.

Disclosing costs: The scope for massive under-disclosure of HIV/Aids costs was outlined this week by Andrew Sykes, CEO of NMG-LEVY, employee benefits consultant and a provider of HIV/Aids programmes to the corporate sector.

Sykes was speaking during a presentation, HIV/Aids Reporting for South African Business, in Johannesburg at an event calling for effective reporting guidelines.

The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and the stock exchange are expected to release guidelines for listed companies early next year. It will be the first time any country has insisted on HIV/Aids reporting by companies, leading some to fear it will be treated as a symbolic first step rather than an opportunity to create effective reporting structures.

Source: Sapa