/ 23 August 2004

Leading UK enviro writer to address journalism conference

George Monbiot, internationally renowned author, UK Guardian newspaper columnist and recipient of a UN Global 500 Award for outstanding environmental achievement will be giving the keynote address at EnviroMedia 2004, the environmental journalism and media conference to be held in Johannesburg, October 5 – 7.

“We are particularly fortunate that George Monbiot will be with us. He is recognised as one of the finest writers on the environment, sustainability and social justice today,” says conference programme co-ordinator Hugh Tyrrell. “He brings a global grasp of issues and a deep understanding of the developing world.”

The conference will be opened by Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Marthinus van Schalkwyk and will provide a forum for leading Southern African, African and international speakers and panellists. The programme includes presentations, panels and workshops on print, broadcast, internet, drama, documentaries, as well as tours. Delegates expected to attend are journalists, media professionals, and representatives of environmental and conservation organisations, government, and business. More details are available at www.enviromedia2004.co.za.

The conference venue has been chosen to align with Johannesburg’s inner city regeneration programme. Braamfontein’s Parktonian Hotel is close to Constitution Hill, the GreenHouse Environmental Centre in Joubert Park, and the Newtown Precinct. Guided tours to all three will take place.

Each delegate’s registration fee will also include the cost of planting a fruit or indigenous shade tree in a disadvantaged community. This will help offset carbon emissions generated by the conference and delegates’ travel, and provide shade, greenery and food for people in need.

For further programme information, contact Hugh Tyrrell on (021) 511 8108 or email [email protected]

More on George Monbiot

During seven years of investigative journeys in Indonesia, Brazil and East Africa, Monbiot was beaten up by military police, shipwrecked and stung into a coma by hornets. After being pronounced clinically dead in Lodwar General Hospital in north-western Kenya from cerebral malaria, he recovered and returned to work in Britain.

Currently visiting professor of planning at Oxford Brookes University, George Monbiot has held visiting fellowships or professorships at several UK universities including Oxford (environmental policy), Bristol (philosophy), Keele (politics) and East London (environmental science).

Author of best selling books The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for a New World Order and Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain; as well as the investigative travel books Poisoned Arrows, Amazon Watershed and No Man’s Land. He writes a weekly column for the UK Guardian newspaper.

See also www.monbiot.com