/ 22 September 2004

Billionaires, gnomes and heavy weather

It’s funny that the guys who probably personally ordered 9/11 (Haliburton Oil’s ex-CEO Dick Cheney and the son of the former head of the CIA, George Bush) had to hold each other’s hands during the whitewash known as the 9/11 commission. It’s also funny that you never really got to read what they said, as they sat side by side (but not under oath).

So, read something truly scary and revealing — and get a sense of who actually runs the United States of America — at Bush Cheney Transcript before the 9/11 Commission.

As I’ve pointed out, over and over to the nth degree, it’s fairly obvious that there is a complexity to current affairs that the media are not generally interested too much in showing you. The media prefer a nice, simply digested, stereotypical viewpoint to be conveyed about most events. Give some thought, for instance, to the meaning in reality behind this news item: Iraqis Not behind Italian Hostage Kidnap.

And here’s another news item that bears deeper contemplation: read Government Contractors’ Bag Full of Explosives.

Then, for those who seriously believe that there’s nothing wrong with either the world’s weather or climate, note this odd news item reporting Mussels Found Growing 800 Miles from North Pole.

And The Day after Tomorrow would seem to be now — take a look at a satellite pic of the storms lining up in the Atlantic, awaiting their turn at moving in on the United States: Multiple Hurricane Sat Pic.

You might also want to fly by More Weather. Then cross-reference the above info with Climate Collapse: The Pentagon’s Weather Nightmare.

Happy car-crash time! So what do you think happens when a television station sends a reporter down to a street where there is apparently a very dangerous intersection that has been the scene of many crashes previously? Go download the clip and find out at Journalist Reports at Dangerous Intersection.

Feel like looking at more moving stuff online? Try the flash cartoon strips known as Strong Bad Mail.

Dennis Kucinich is an Ohio Congressman who is out of the running for the presidency, but something he made, looking at the radiation poisoning from the use of “depleted” uranium, has begun stirring controversy online. First, read background on Kucinich. Then, to see the online Flash presentation that’s causing all the fuss, while it’s still online: Depleted Uranium.

So what do you do if you happen to have a tree that seems partially shaped like the lower part of a woman’s anatomy? Correct – you try to sell it on eBay. Get ready for splinters at Mother Nature’s Undercarriage.

I’ve mentioned the ongoing problems with aspartame/nutrasweet — which basically causes brain damage in those dumb enough to eat it — and the chemical itself is used in a variety of “diet” cold drinks and chips and sweets that you can find in your local shop. But here is a development showing that the clear damage caused by this chemical is being taken to the next level. Read Rico Conspiracy Lawsuit Filed over Aspartame.

To get some background on the poison you may have been eating, or feeding your kids without thinking, read through the huge quantity of medical info and articles at Aspartame Dangers and Side Effects and browse through Aspartame Is Not Safe.

To see a long list of news items, including the recent conspiracy and racketeering lawsuit laid against the makers of Nutrasweet, go to Aspartame News. Then there is a site that is selling a book on aspartame poisoning, but contains useful info too — try Sweet Poison.

Today — at the time of writing this column, September 19 — just happens to be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Given that this column is often pirate-like, well, it often should be rated “ARRRR”. (Okay, that was really weak as a joke, but still me hearties, ’tis an excuse, says I, to tell ee about this day of ours. when we can talks like the landlubbers don’t expect). Just to show you what you missed, glue a parrot on your shoulder and, cursing evilly, stomp towards Talk Like a Pirate Day!.

If I have to choose between celebrating yet another dumb-ass renamed holiday deifying yet another unknown person who died fighting repression and so forth, or stomping around going “Blast ye, where be me pieces of eight?”, then sorry, but I’ll take pirates over Hector Peterson any day. (And, to paraphrase Bill Hicks, “If I seem cruel and vicious and uncaring — it’s because I am.”)

And for those of you deluded folk who still don’t get that we live under an economic-military-mining-industrial-complex disguised as a multiparty system, here is a political party I can really get behind. Go consider the values of starting a local Guns and Dope Party!.

(I’m so there — especially the bit about firing politicians and replacing them with ostriches. It couldn’t make things any worse.)

Staying with the oppressed, it’s not only people who believe in witches and who think cattle ownership indicates wealth that are utterly repressed and exploited. There are little folk in gardens across the world who need our support. They are constantly humiliated, never shown the respect they deserve — so comrades, stop oppressive gardening, it’s time for a revolution. Go see how to help at Free the Gnomes!.

As we aren’t used to the idea of cheerfully taking the piss out of local politics and politicians, I’ll need to back up a little and explain some stuff. Sometimes irony and satire can be used to make valid points about the morons in power. Take the case of a group in the US known as Billionaires for Bush — who have been around for a long time, and who routinely dress up in tuxedoes and evening gowns, and clutching champagne, do their thing to embarrass the Bushites.

It’s one thing to hustle out scruffy grunge-dressed protesters; it’s another thing entirely to have to deal with clearly well-dressed, diamond-glittering women in evening dress, clutching champagne bottles and quaffing drinks and waving signs marked “Billionaires for Bush!”

Go read their wildly entertaining site (“Billionaires for Bush is a grassroots political action committee advocating for the rights and interests of people of absolutely fabulous wealth.”).

Billionaires for Bush comprised anyone who feels like joining in and dressing up and using irony as a weapon of satire. And they are in every city. Go look at a combination press conference (and getting their shoes shined) at Billionaire Pix. See more pix at Photo Gallery.

Get the idea? It’s fun, anarchic, performance art and deliberately messing with the concept of what in fact constitutes “protest”. It also freaks people out. (I mean imagine local protesters dressing in safari suits, and puffing cigars and cheerfully waving signs saying “Arms Dealers in Support of the ANC!”, “Make More Limpet Mines!” and “Mugabe Is Innocent!”.)

Suddenly, “protest” has stepped outside of the standard model that you are used to. And of course it will totally shake, irritate and upset the ANC itself, to have overt public “support” of a sort that it really doesn’t want. A nice paradigm shift.

To see a clip of the Billionaires scolding lefty protesters for being rude about Bush, go watch the one-minute clip Billionaires Scold Protesters.

So with the above in mind, go see if you can work out what the actual political position is, of the website Communists for Kerry!.

Something odd, which may or may not be a forgery, popped up a few days ago online. I’ll keep you posted as to whether it’s proved true or revealed as a hoax, but in the interim, take a look at an allegedly declassified document that proves Lee Harvey Oswald Was CIA. And it’s mirrored here.

To get more cheerful, let’s look again at the gigantic extinction-level-event asteroid that is heading in our direction, with very little being said by the mass media, despite it coming very, very close to us. Read Toutatis Approaches and Freak Rock.

It’s frightening to consider it, but there are still people around who are dumb enough to believe that an utterly uneducated and untravelled peasant known popularly as “William Shakespeare” was able to come up with a wide range of highly intelligent and content-rich plays and sonnets.

This idea that “Peasant X” could have created a range of works so thoughtful, subtle and masterful has served a variety of social uses through the generations, especially in the class-crippled and thus deliberately divided society of England. The reality, of course, is that it’s almost certain that Francis Bacon was responsible. Start off at Baconian Evidence for Shakespeare Authorship.

And read the deeply fascinating essays and data at Who Wrote the Works.

Then, slightly more studious is Francis Bacon as Shakespeare: Authorship Analysis.

As a hardcore movie geek, this next thing really appeals to me. You’ve heard of karaoke; now imagine “movieoke” — where you get to perform scenes from your favourite movies. Imagine doing the famous airplane scene from North by Northwest, or for that matter the “we have found a witch” scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in front of an appreciative audience of fellow film geeks.

Go consider starting your own movieoke club, based on the rules at Movieoke!.

Staying in the realms of the film geek with a sense of humour, check out this very cool pillow, which the site suggests is for “film buffs who have everything and whose wives won’t let them own a revolver”. Go sleep — not with the fishes, but with The Godfather Horse Head Pillow!.

Looks like we’re one step closer to either The Matrix or the Skynet total takeover of the world by robots, as popularised in the Terminator movies. Why? Well, think of all the things that could go wrong with creating a predator robot that gets its energy from eating living things. Read Fly Eating Robot.

Flesh-being-eaten time! Curious about what happens when a particularly poisonous spider (the brown recluse spider) bites you? Be warned, it involves bits of your flesh being eaten away — now go find the pix, get them lined up, then invite someone who is eating to come over and have a look at the pictures at Recluse Spider Bites.

Here’s something so cool and geeky that my first initial response was “Oh wow!” — think back to all those countless sci-fi films where a “virtual” scenery was created in people’s living spaces, so that they could get all the benefits from changing the supposed reality of where they lived without having to move from the couch. Well, it’s arrived, finally. And I want one. Go learn how to make your own Virtual Window Project.

For reverse geekyness, try this computer that was turned into a Bookshelf.

Trapped like a zombie consumerist slave in an office all day? Why not make and print out bizarre but corporate-looking stickers and rename every office in your building to something more surreal and pleasing? Look at the extreme silliness of one person’s animal fetish let loose in an office environment, at FooCamp Hack.

Until the next time, if humourless protesters don’t get me.