/ 12 October 2004

Amanda Nair

When sitting in traffic in the morning, Amanda’s job has already started. She is responsible for everything that happens in Johannesburg’s urban environment, so vehicle emissions are high on her agenda. Among her projects is the creation of a sustainable public transport system.

‘Proper public transport will reduce emissions and have a positive effect on the city. People will also have better access to their destinations,” she says.

Amanda believes poverty arises from not using the city’s resources efficiently. Part of her job is to marry development and environment to ensure sustainability for the people of Johannesburg.

‘I want to make a difference, to help the poor communities of my city and create a better life for them,” she says. ‘Jo’burg is experiencing unparalleled levels of urbanisation, which put a lot of strain on the environment.”

Poor communities are the most vulnerable to this strain. ‘Unfortunately, slum lording and informal settlements occur due to the influx and it is these people, the poorest of the poor, who make the heaviest impact on the environment, and also feel the impact the most.”