/ 26 April 2005

Preparing for life after school

Libby Young finds plenty of information on tertiary study options on the Internet

The new year often sparks a bout of introspection about the future, when many learners will be pondering which career path to take. There is plenty of help available online, from university websites with curriculum advice to sites offering tips for honing job interview skills.

For learners considering university, a visit to the web site of their institution of choice is crucial. The University of the Witwatersrand has a special section devoted to career and curriculum planning. It takes a look at various career options and explains how to plan a degree.


For help finding a course visit Easy Info’s Career Expo. This site’s search facility lets learners find which institutions offer the courses they are interested in, as well as providing detailed descriptions of what various jobs entail. The site also provides information on student loans and bursaries.


iAfrica’s Fast Lane site looks at how to get the most out of a tertiary education, as well as how to hunt for jobs online. Updated frequently, this site offers plenty of interesting reading matter and is well worth a bookmark.


The US-based Mapping Your Future website has plenty of information that isn’t at all relevant to South Africa, but go to the “Planning a Career” section for some invaluable tips on how to choose a career, as well as advice on job hunting, writing a Curriculum Vitae, and job interviewing techniques. The site helps learners develop a career plan and provides guidelines for assessing skills and interests.


Visit CareerWorld for profiles on a wide variety of careers, from acting and anthropology to surveying and veterinary nursing. Features include “the good CV guide” with tips on what to include and what to leave out of that all-important document, and advice on how to successfully get through job interviews.


Online magazine The Next Step has several interesting articles on both unusual and conventional jobs, such as making toys for a living, or investigating genes as a biomedical researcher. You’ll also find features on life skills such as time management and study habits.


Most South African universities and technikons now have an online presence:


Border Technikon

Cape Technikon

Eastern Cape Technikon

Technikon Free State

Natal Technikon

Peninsula Technikon

Port Elizabeth Technikon

Technikon Pretoria

Vaal Triangle Technikon

Technikon Witwatersrand


Rand Afrikaans University

University of Cape Town

University of Durban-Westville

University of Fort Hare

Midrand University

University of Natal

University of the Orange Free State

University of Port Elizabeth

Potchefstroom University

University of Pretoria

Rhodes University

University of South Africa

University of Stellenbosch

University of the Western Cape

University of the Witwatersrand

— The Teacher/Mail & Guardian, February, 2001.