/ 27 July 2006

Battle for Middle Earth: A rare use of brains

Real-time strategy games (RTS) are usually the preserve of PC owners who have the mouse, keyboard and patience to effectively manipulate the miniature armies at their disposal. But Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 bucks the trend by releasing on the Xbox 360, complete with high-definition support, achievements and all the console stylings. And it nearly works, too.

The graphics, on an HD screen at least, are equal to the detailed PC original, while the strategy action offers a unique console experience. Online is a treat, too, with the lengthy battles offering 360 owners a rare use of brains.

Unfortunately, the fiddly controls hinder enjoyment, with the pad often as much a foe as the orc on screen. Also, the game demands an HD screen — units can become indistinct on older TVs.

PC owners are better off buying their version, but curious console owners should not be put off. Middle Earth 2 offers welcome variety to the Xbox 360. – Guardian