/ 26 September 2006

Ohio car dealer drops jihad commercial

A car dealership in Ohio has decided not to run a advertisement proclaiming a ”jihad” on the United States car market, a Muslim activist group said on Monday.

The Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations released a letter from the dealership offering an apology and saying the radio ad, which had never been aired, was a misguided attempt at humour.

”We appreciate the dealership’s constructive reaction to feedback about the proposed advertisements,” said Adnan Mirza, director of the group’s Ohio’s office. ”We accept the apology … and hope that it and the decision not to air the spots will bring this incident to a close.”

The statement from the dealership, Dennis Mitsubishi in Columbus, said ”A large number of people have contacted us. Lots of them have seen the humour we were trying to convey, but far too many were clearly bothered by it. This was simply an attempt at humour that fell short.”

It also offered a ”sincere apology to anyone who was offended.” – Reuters