The Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) on Wednesday appealed to motorists to be extra vigilant in the vicinity of railway stations and trains. This comes after two accidents occurred on Wednesday morning in Pretoria West and Randfontein.
Spokesperson Lawrence Venkile said a 20-tonne truck was travelling down Roger Dyson Road, Pretoria West, when its brakes failed, causing it to lose control.
The truck ”crashed head-on with an oncoming South African Rail Commuter Corporation/Metrorail train and the leading motor coach derailed”. Severe damage was caused to the railway infrastructure.
The truck driver managed to escape from the truck and at least 20 commuters on the train were injured. The train driver was trapped for three hours, and emerged with serious pelvic and leg injuries.
The injured were taken to the Tshwane District and Kalafong hospitals.
In a separate incident, a bakkie was hit by a goods train between Randfontein and Magaliesburg after failing to stop at a rail crossing, but no one was injured.
”Road users must behave in a responsible manner and not unnecessarily place innocent people in harm’s way. They must ensure that vehicles are roadworthy and that they observe traffic signage at level crossings,” Venkile said.
He said the RSR remains committed to working closely with operators to improve public awareness on the effects of careless behaviour within the railway environment. — Sapa