Awaiting-trial prisoners at Johannesburg Prison embarked on a hunger strike on Sunday following the removal of radios from their cells, the South African Prisoners’ Organisation for Human Rights (Sapohr) said.
Spokesperson Miles Bhudu said Sapohr was informed of this action on Saturday.
”There was no explanation given by the authorities for removing radios from the awaiting-trial section.”
”These are people who should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise; how do you then punish them by taking away their radios?”
Bhudu said prisoners, like any other human being, relied on radio for current affairs and news.
He said they were not sure if this was happening around Gauteng or across the country. ”We call on the Department of Correctional Services to give clarity and show leadership on this,” Bhudu said.
He said the department should explain why it allowed this equipment into prison if it was going to be taken.
Spokesperson for the department Manelisi Wolela said the radios would not just be taken. ”These are not rights, they are privileges subject to the conduct of those prisoners who are allowed them,” he said.
The hunger strike would continue for as long as radios were not returned, Bhudu said. — Sapa