Nicky Moses
Number of employees: 1 800 (South Africa only).
Last financial year’s turnover: Country-specific information not available.
Name of chief HR officer: Nicky Moses, HR and enterprise lead.
Split of staff: Not available.
Main line of business: Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. It collaborates with clients to help them to become high-performance businesses and governments.
What is the company’s HR strategy?: Accenture takes the widest possible view of inclusion and diversity, going beyond gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and
gender identity and expression to create a work environment that welcomes all forms of differences. Each employee is a respected member of the team. The company recognises and values individual similarities and differences. Its workforce is a reflection of the clients its serves, the suppliers it does business with and the communities in which it operates.
What is the company’s BEE strategy?: Accenture is committed to the country’s agenda of transformation. It believes that true BEE cannot be built solely on equity ownership or employment equity. It is about creating wealth for South Africans; having black executive leadership in the company, employing skills and enterprise development initiatives,
participating in meaningful job creationprogrammes, looking after the community that houses Accenture’s future employees and also retaining the best people at Accenture. Last year, it was awarded a level two BEE rating.
What is the secret of your company’s success as an employer?: In keeping with the global initiative of Accenture to create jobs and impart skills to 250 000 people worldwide, the Accenture Foundation has put together an ambitious ‘Skills to Succeed’ programme locally to help unemployed people and entrepreneurs to gain employment and run sustainable enterprises. To achieve this, the South African strategy encompasses three approaches:
- Employee volunteeringprogrammes
- Offering pro-bono services to non-profit organisations
- Giving cash donations