Sardar Ahmad
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/ 21 December 2007

Afghan opium production has deadly side effect

Living in Afghanistan, the world’s unrivalled producer of heroin, Faqirullah has no problem finding drugs to feed his habit. What concerns him is getting the cash to buy them. No matter how difficult, the 27-year-old says he has to find the equivalent of $4 to $6 for his daily fix. Faqirullah, who goes by a single name, is one of a growing number of Afghan drug addicts.

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/ 26 September 2007

Nearly 170 Taliban killed in Afghan clashes

Nato and United States-led troops backed up by warplanes said on Wednesday they had killed nearly 170 Taliban in two major battles in southern Afghanistan, while a US-led coalition soldier also died. The heaviest of the fighting with the Islamic insurgents erupted on Tuesday in the volatile southern province of Helmand.

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/ 19 March 2007

Suicide attack on US embassy convoy in Kabul

A suicide attacker rammed an explosives-filled car into a United States embassy convoy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Monday, wounding five embassy staff and guards and at least three passers-by, officials said. The fiery attack was the first suicide bombing inside Kabul this year after several deadly blasts last year blamed on Taliban insurgents.