Terms of References for the Preparation of the Lesotho Project Implementation Completion Report
Southern Africa TB and Health System Support Project
Project No: P155658
The Southern Africa Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support (SATBHSS) Project is a regional project funded by the World Bank supporting four countries (i.e., Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia) and two regional institutions (i.e., East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community, AUDA-NEPAD). The project was approved on 26th May, 2016. It was launched officially in December 2016 and is scheduled to close on December 31, 2023.
The project aims to contribute to the elimination of TB in line with the global goal of ending the TB epidemic by 2030. The Project Development Objective (PDO) are to: (i) improve coverage and quality of TB control and occupational lung disease services; and (ii) strengthen national and regional capacity to manage the burden of TB and occupational diseases; and (iii) strengthen country-level and cross-border preparedness and response to disease outbreaks, a PDO added following the Mid Term Review. In order to achieve these three PDOs, the project is structured into three major components.
- Component 1 focusses on Innovative Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of TB and aims to improve the demand for and availability of high-quality TB, TB-HIV/AIDS, and occupational lung disease services in targeted geographic areas of the four participating countries.
- Component 2 supports Regional Capacity for Disease Surveillance, Diagnostics, and Management of TB and Occupational Lung Diseases and aims to strengthen selective aspects of health systems to position the sub-region to better manage the TB epidemic and other infectious diseases.
- Component 3 supports Regional Learning and Innovation, and Project Management with activities targeted towards technical support to strengthen regional capacity and promote regional innovation through sharing of knowledge and evidence from interventions implemented under Components 1 and 2.
The primary beneficiaries of the project include TB-affected individuals and households. The project is targeting mining communities; high TB burden regions; high HIV/AIDS burden regions; transport corridors; and cross-border areas. The main target groups include: (i) active miners, serving in both formal and informal mining employment, small or large-scale mining; (ii) ex-miners, including those who previously worked in the mines on long-term or temporary basis; (iii) migrant miners (both internal and external migrants); (iv) people working in quarries and roadside stone-crushing activities; (v) people living in mining/peri-mining communities, including all household members of miners and ex-miners; and (vi) other high-risk populations, such as prisoners, former TB patients, contacts to TB patients, and children.
2.1 Broad Objective
The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) is a required public document which reports to the World Bank Executive Directors on project performance at completion. The ICR is an accountability and learning tool for the World Bank and Borrowers which provides information on progress towards the PDO, lessons learned and prospects for sustainability. The World Bank has a mandatory requirement to prepare an ICR for all Bank-funded operations. The Borrower prepares its own evaluation report and provides comments on the Bank’s ICR. These next section provides terms of reference for a consultant to be recruited to prepare the ICR on the SATBHSSP for the government of Lesotho.
2.2 Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of the Lesotho Implementation Completion Report are to:
- Assess progress towards achieving the Project Development Objective (PDO)
- Assess the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of strategies and interventions
- Assess progress against stated outputs and outcomes
- Identify key implementation issues and remedial actions
- Evaluate institutional performance of government implementing agencies as well as the World Bank, ECSA-HC, and AUDA-NEPAD
- Ascertain prospects for sustainability
- Document main lessons and recommendations for future projects
Annex I provides guidance on the main themes for the government’s ICR.
3.0 Scope of work
The national consultant will use a participatory and collaborative approach, working closely with the Project Implementation Unit, to identify key stakeholders to interview and project sites to visit. The methodology for the evaluation comprises a mix of face-to-face interviews, document reviews (e.g., Aide Memoires, technical reports, best practice notes) and tapping various national databases.
4.0 Timeline and Deliverables
The assignment is scheduled to take place during December 2023-June 2024 The expected activities and timeline for the specific deliverables is shown below.
Activity | Deliverable | Expected Timelines | Responsibility |
Inception meeting Evaluation design, methodology and a detailed workplan | Inception Report | 5 days | Consultant |
Documents review Stakeholder consultations Field visits Data analysis, debriefing and presentation of the draft evaluation report.Review draft ICR report by stakeholders | Draft 10-page Implementation Completion Report (ICR) with relevant annexes | 20 days | Consultant |
Final ICR after incorporating comments from key stakeholders along with a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the main findings and recommendations. | Final Implementation Completion Report (ICR) | 3 days | Consultant |
5.0 Qualification and Experience
- Master degree in Public Health, Social sciences, Demography, Economics and Statistics
- 5 years professional expertise in a relevant field, including research, designing, monitoring and evaluating projects/programs.
- 5 years work experience in TB control, occupational health, and/or health systems.
- 3 years experience working with international and regional organizations is desirable.
- 5 years experience doing similar or related assignment
- Excellent analytical, program management, communications skills
- Computer skills
- Reporting writing
- Fluency in English
6.0 Supervision
The consultant shall work under the supervision of the Project Coordinator from the Project Implementation Unit. The Project Coordinator will provide access to all relevant Aide Memoires and reports and facilitate access to key stakeholders to interview.
- Proposal Submission
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn from the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 (revised July 2014). (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0800 to 1600 hours from Monday to Friday. All applications should be in English and must be properly filled in and be couriered or emailed with the subject “Expression of Interest for “Preparation of the Lesotho Project Implementation Completion Report” or hand delivered to the below address. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person, on or before 6th September 2023 1200-hour Local time.
Attn: Procurement Specialist at Procurement Unit, Ground Floor, Ministry of Health Headquarters, Corner Constitution Road & Linare Road P. O. Box 514, Maseru 100, Lesotho,
Tel: (+266) 27323277 email: [email protected]