Business administration and management are among the most in-demand jobs in South Africa currently
In February of this year TSIBA Business School will celebrate 20 years of changing lives through a transformative business education approach that is truly unique.
In numbers, 20 years is also just over 7 300 days since the institution first opened its doors as TSIBA Education. Interestingly, the number of days that TSIBA has been in existence is less than the amount of scholarships provided to talented and ambitious young people who aspire to careers in business. On its 20th birthday, TSIBA will have provided over 9 000 subsidised annual-tuition scholarships, including current and new students registered for its accredited programmes in the 2024 academic year.
But TSIBA is not unique for its subsidised scholarship model. The uniqueness of this institution lies in its innovative approach to education, one which provides significant competitive advantage to its students and graduates. All of the core subjects that underpin excellent business education are necessary and provided in full — but at this institution they are not sufficient. TSIBA goes beyond by placing attitude, leadership and entrepreneurship as credit-bearing subjects at the heart of all of its curricula. All graduates of TSIBA have deeply explored the questions of “what is my work?” “what is success?” and “how do I add value?” These are the questions all students must ultimately answer. When they do, they become remarkable graduates on a trajectory to remarkable careers and changed lives.
Looking at the numbers again: in just over 7 000 days TSIBA has produced 1 572 business graduates, including 560 Bachelor of Business of Administration in Entrepreneurial Leadership (BBA) Alumni and 1 012 Higher Certificate in Business Administration (HCBA) Alumni. TSIBA has produced eight Mandela Rhodes Scholars, two United Nations PRME Global Student Regional Leaders in Africa, three Kofi Annan Scholars and eight Alan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellows, while maintaining a postgraduate employment rate of above 90%.
TSIBA is a business school, so we measure the numbers. When we last measured in 2023 we found:
- That 31% of TSIBA BBA Alumni earn above R30 000 per month (or R360 000 per annum). At this level of remuneration, these TSIBA graduates are in the top 50% of South African income earners, according to Salary Explorer.
- 88% of TSIBA BBA graduates have achieved employment within a year of completing their studies at TSIBA, the majority of whom have gained employment with the host organisation with whom the TSIBA third-year internship was completed.
- 68% of TSIBA graduates have remained in employment 75% of the time since graduation.
Further, recent published data supporting the relevance of the TSIBA Higher Certificate and Bachelor of Business Administration qualifications indicates that business administration and management are among the most in-demand jobs in South Africa currently, in light of an increase in overall hiring activity.
The numbers and the data indicate an education model and curriculum designed to provide its students with an exceptional business education, at great value and at an investment return difficult to match. Also difficult to match is TSIBA Ndabeni, the new campus situated in the suburb of Ndabeni in Cape Town. Designed to inspire and to enable learning in a comfortable and fully digitised manner, TSIBA Ndabeni provides fully enabled technology infrastructure and equipment to ensure seamless integration into the digital revolution transforming all business today. Including local and international students on semester-long exchange programmes, the TSIBA campus can accommodate up to 1 000 students in studies.
TSIBA Business School is registered with the Department for Higher Education & Training and the Council for Higher Education as an accredited Private Higher Education Institution (DHET Registration No:2007/HE08/001). All TSIBA tertiary qualifications also have full Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) recognition.
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