Minister Sisisi Tolashe with Abalimi Bezekhaya beneficiaries

The National Development Agency (NDA), a government entity tasked with the mandate to contribute towards the eradication of poverty in South Africa, has been empowering civil society organisations over the last 26 years.
The Agency continues to carry out this mandate through grant funding and enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs), whilst advancing economic and skills development programmes in marginalised communities. This has resulted in building more cohesive communities that are able to tackle the triple threat of poverty, unemployment and inequality. The ongoing contribution of the NDA supports the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 outcomes for a greater and better South Africa.
In line with its vision, the NDA has developed a Revenue Generation Model (RGM) that sources alternative funding to accommodate many of the funding applications that it receives annually. This is to lessen dependency on the National Treasury allocation, amongst other key priorities. The ongoing sustainability of the NDA relies heavily on strategies aimed at maximising productivity, cost savings and prioritising resources towards sustainable long-term plans that add lasting value to the mandate of the NDA.
Furthermore, the RGM is anchored on strong and sound partnerships in strategic sectors of the economy to establish high yielding collaborative partnerships in the fight against poverty. Within the ambit of the Inter- Governmental Relations framework, the NDA will seek to establish lasting partnerships across the three spheres of government regarding coordination of community-based development efforts as espoused in the District Development Model.
In a meeting led by Social Development Minister, Sisisi Tolashe, with the NDA Board, the Minister endorsed the viability of the NDA’s vision with stringent conditions. “The NDA has my full support and backing, however, it is conditional support that the goals we have set are met. The Agency has to continue responding to the needs of the poor”, said Minister Tolashe.
At a recent Ministerial Outreach programme in the Western Cape, the Minister visited two NDA funded programmes, Abalimi Bezekhaya in Khayelitsha and Etafeni Day Care Centre in Nyanga. Minister Tolashe further pledged continued financial and non- financial support to community-based organisations that create, promote and provide sustainable livelihoods within their communities.
“We are pleased to see the passion displayed by these organisations, their beneficiaries and what they have managed to achieve with the funds provided to them by the government. The NDA grants, in their nature, are intended to be developmental and we are happy that these funds have not gone to waste, instead they have created beacons of hope in these two communities to deliver economic security and sustainable livelihoods”. The Minister was conducting oversight visits to NDA funded organisations, to measure the service delivery impact on skills and jobs created, as well as interact with beneficiaries.