/ 16 September 2021

GIZ – Positions, calls and requests for proposals, and supply of vehicles


Call for Proposals: Communication agency

SIFA – Skills Initiative for Africa is a Programme of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) supported by the German Government and the European Union.  The programme promotes occupational prospects of young Africans through the support of innovative skills development programmes and close cooperation with the private sector. One of the key activities of SIFA is knowledge creation and dissemination on topics relating to employment-oriented skills development through exchange and dialogue formats. These take place through the African Skills Portal for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (ASPYEE) and through regional and continental event formats such as Africa Creates Jobs (ACJ).

The SIFA team needs a full-service agency for the areas of communications strategy, design, content production and content management to address its audience appropriately; regularly preparing content for various communication channels, and tracking the reach and outcomes of the communications strategy implementation until the end of the project duration. The contractor will be required to provide services as and when the content is provided by the SIFA team. 

GIZ invites eligible and professional companies with local presence in South Africa to participate in this tender. Tender documents are available for downloading until 24.09.2021 at the following link https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/101082.html

Your proposal must be submitted to [email protected] by 01.10.2021. Please quote reference 83390552 when submitting the documentation. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Request for Proposals: Design and layout expert

The Green Hydrogen Programme (H2.SA); funded by the German Government and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), supports activities aimed at building a green hydrogen economy in South Africa.  H2.SA wishes to appoint a service provider who will provide design and layout services for reports, brochures, presentations and fact sheets produced by the programme.

GIZ invites eligible and professional companies with local presence in South Africa to participate in this tender. Tender documents are available for downloading until 27.09.2021 at the following link: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/101098.html

Your proposal must be submitted to [email protected] by 4 October 2021. Please quote reference 83391320 when submitting the documentation. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Request for Proposals: Proofreader and editor

The Green Hydrogen Programme (H2.SA); funded by the German Government and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), supports activities aimed at building a green hydrogen economy in South Africa.  H2.SA wishes to appoint a service provider who will provide proofreading and language editing services for reports, brochures, presentations and fact sheets produced by the programme.

GIZ invites eligible and professional companies with local presence in South Africa to participate in this tender. Tender documents are available for downloading until 27.09.2021 at the following link: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/101090.html

Your proposal must be submitted to [email protected] by 4 October 2021. Please quote reference83391348 when submitting the documentation. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Call for Proposals: Gender expert

The “Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention Programme” (VCP III) is a joint South African-German technical cooperation project that seeks to contribute to the national development priority of creating a safer South Africa. Its preventative approach is to address the root causes of violence and crime through promoting integrated, holistic, and developmental approaches. VCP is implemented nationally, through government partners in the national, provincial, and local spheres, as well as in cooperation with a variety of civil society actors.   The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is responsible for the implementation of the German contribution to the programme on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

The VCP programme is strengthening its contributions in the field of gender-based violence prevention. In this regard, the programme is looking for an expert in gender-transformative and intersectional feminist approaches to strengthen the gender and intersectionality expertise in the GIZ-VCP team and to provide advice and guidance on strengthening related approaches within the VCP programme. The expert will further support the communication and monitoring efforts of VCP, as well as develop a guide booklet series on Inclusive Work in Violence Prevention. 

GIZ invites eligible individuals in South Africa to participate in this tender. Tender documents can be downloaded from the following link:  https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/101048.html until 27.09.2021.

Tender documentation must be submitted via email to [email protected] and quote reference number 83390879.  Deadline for submissions is 4 October 2021 at 23h00. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

Supply of Vehicles

GIZ invites official dealerships based in Lesotho or South Africa to supply one Sedan 2×4, one SUV 4×4, two Minibus 2×4 and three Double cab 4×4 – up to seven vehicles in total.  

Vehicles will need to be delivered to Maseru, Lesotho. Dealerships from South Africa must clear and provide all relevant documentation for cross border and registration. 

Dealerships must ensure that proper maintenance services can be provided within a 50 km radius to Maseru, Lesotho.

Dealerships that are interested in supplying the vehicles must not submit quotations, only submit information that is requested below.

Kindly submit the following information to the GIZ procurement department:

  1. Dealership name on letterhead, physical address and telephone number.
  2. Copy of company registration certificate and Tax clearance certificate.
  3. Contact person that will be responsible for the procurement process (name, email address and telephone number)

The information should be sent by 22 September 2021 to the following address:    [email protected]

Please quote reference #91154332 as your reference in the email subject line.