Founded on the principles of pan-Africanism 22 years ago, the AU has had its successes, but facing mounting issues of foreign funding, an inability to act on conflicts among member states, and claims it is stiflingly bureaucratic, it risks becoming another relic
African industrial cooperation should facilitate sharing of technology, market access and information on commodity supplies among private enterprises in member states.
Free trade limits the policy space available to states worldwide, locking them into market-based trade and industrial policies.
Takatso consortium will now own 51% of the airline and the state 49%
Less aid and more trade will be the buzz words
A lack of nuanced, in-depth analysis has in the past led to policy blunders – with disastrous consequences
The agreement could go beyond economics towards the political unification of Africa
The African free trade agreement is hailed as a huge step forward by some, but criticized as a project with little chance of coming true by others
Will Paul Kagame be able to sustain the momentum and ensure the implementation of his continental plans?
African heads of state formally elected South Africa during a closed session on Sunday morning
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement promises to redefine relations among African states and beyond