The Johannesburg mayor is about to be ditched
The ANC said in a statement that President Cyril Ramaphosa would announce appointments to the executive ‘in the coming days’
Gwamanda was unwell when he delivered his state of the city address and had to be rushed to hospital during the debate following his speech
At the 2021 local government elections, neither of the two biggest parties got a mandate to govern alone in Johannesburg
The country is hyper religious but has prided itself on not talking politics at the church table
Illegal land occupation and alleged corruption plague the city’s unstable administrations
They will most likely punch above their weight in municipalities to gain leverage from the ANC and DA in next month’s local government elections.
When the ANC was faced with possible losses in 95 municipalities, it approached two smaller parties in hope that its endorsements would result in trade-offs.
In this week’s 96 by-elections, the trend was the ANC held its ground and grew, while the DA lost big, with minority parties eating into its voter base