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/ 4 June 2008

Mugabe defends land seizures

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, whose 28-year rule has brought widespread hunger to his country, on Tuesday defended the seizure of land from white farmers, saying he is undoing a legacy of Zimbabwe’s former colonial masters. Mugabe spoke to world leaders at a United Nations summit on the global food crisis against a backdrop of sharp criticism over his participation.

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/ 30 May 2008

World leaders to tackle food crisis at Rome summit

It has been described as a global crisis pushing 100-million people into hunger, threatening to stoke social and political turmoil and set the fight against world poverty back by seven years. Now, the food price crisis will be tackled by world leaders, who meet in Rome next week to seek ways of reducing the suffering for the world’s poorest people.

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/ 30 May 2008

Violence in SA puts World Cup at risk

Further outbreaks of violence against foreigners in South Africa could lead Fifa to move the 2010 World Cup elsewhere, the United Nations adviser on sport said on Thursday. Willi Lemke said if the scenes repeat themselves, ”Fifa will rethink its decision in favour of South Africa and, if necessary, pull the plug.”

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/ 28 May 2008

West dismayed over Suu Kyi detention

Western governments lashed out at the extension of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s house arrest, but the outrage at Burma’s generals was tempered by concern over disrupting aid flows to desperate cyclone victims. Burma has been promised millions of dollars in Western aid after Cyclone Nargis, but this cut no ice with the junta regarding the opposition leader.

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/ 27 May 2008

Burma junta unmoved, extends Suu Kyi arrest

Burma’s junta extended the house arrest of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday, a move likely to dismay Western nations who promised millions of dollars in aid after Cyclone Nargis. Officials drove to the Nobel laureate’s lakeside Rangoon home to read out a six-month extension order in person.