September is also Deaf Awareness Month with the International Day of Sign Languages (23 September) and the International Week of the Deaf being observed
Kgothatso Montjane speaks to Athandiwe Saba about her becoming the first black woman South African player to reach the Wimbledon final, her ‘robotic’ leg, being a DJ and the love of her parents
People with disabilities are seen as deficits, yet research confirms that supported employment is affordable
Despite commendable work and persistent battles, not enough
is being done for these learners
The campaign helps to raise awareness of the difficulties people in wheelchairs face on a daily basis
A passionate Brazilian football fan has drawn nationwide attention for narrating her local team’s football matches live to her blind and autistic son
The KwaZulu-Natal education department in particular has done little to fulfil its constitutional obligations
The National Lotteries Commission has put massive funding into Early Childhood Development to help ensure the future of the country is brighter
Refilwe Lesufi says there is an urgent need to create off-grid solutions in rural areas
The Gauteng department of social development empowers communities and engenders self-reliance
A new hydrotherapy centre in Zambia’s capital is making an impact in the special needs field
Aubrey Poopedi defies the odds of blindness, and reaches the firmament of greatness as a rapper
Brilliant South African on his way to Oxford despite needing full-time medical care.
Late diagnosis of the disability profoundly affects the development and future of youngsters.
Government has placed some disabled pupils in school but concerns remain over the ability of the school to give them an adequate education.
What I am saying is do not patronise me, do not belittle me in the name of some misplaced compassion. What I am not saying is erase my disability.
Mentally disabled people in the rural Eastern Cape are considered worthless, even evil. When girls are sexually abused, mothers are no longer shocked.
Rehabilitation plans for the thousands of people with disabilities must be included in the NHI.
New devices give people such as Alan Martin, who has cerebral palsy, the chance to communicate properly for the first time.
Cash-strapped groups plead for more funds: Subsidies have fallen so short of the needs of NGOs that many face imminent closure, writes Heidi Swart.
Non-profit organisations fulfilling many of the state’s obligations are being crippled by its inefficiency and indifference, writes Heidi Swart.
Though defined as disabled, the state does not accord a albinos any rights and South Africans "are as deaf as the ground", activists say.
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/ 2 December 2011
The National Development Plan renders people with disabilities, at least 6% of South Africans, invisible.