The Democratic Alliance’s Gauteng leader Solly Msimanga points to rampant crime and unclear policies as major hurdles to investment and creating jobs
Efforts to reopen VBS as a commercial entity are ongoing, with a focus on regulatory oversight to prevent past mismanagement and corruption
Transnet christens two new locally built launch boats at Durban shipbuilding yard
Dropping democracy for aspirant autocrats who will put everything in order with a big stick might not be all it’s cracked up to be
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Operation Vulindlela is forging ahead with its next phase amid ongoing wrangling over positions in his executive
The loss of an outright majority for the ANC should not be considered a panacea which promises to alleviate all our political and economic woes
As the political horse trading begins, the fate of the controversial policy is uncertain
Consumer inflation has eased but is still not comfortably within the central bank’s target of 3% to 6%
The country needs a holistic integrated national master plan if the economy is to grow and needs are met
Mining has a key role to play in helping to ease youth unemployment
It is imperative that social movements inside both blocs navigate their agenda
President announces reforms aimed at attracting investors to the country as he opens conference
Eskom’s board chair was speaking on a panel about the country’s energy crisis at the South Africa Investment Conference on Thursday
Governor Lesetja Kganyago underlined the deleterious effect of inflation, which the monetary policy committee has revised higher, on the pockets of the poor
It is easy to become fixated on growth, even when it holds little promise of a better life for all — and has fed the climate crisis
The government is walking a tightrope as civil servants embark on industrial action over pay
Data released this week gave credence to the view that South Africa may be headed for another technical recession
Decline in the country’s GDP – largely due to record-levels of load-shedding – puts the size of the economy back below pre-pandemic levels
But jobless levels are still above those prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw 2.2 million people lose employment
The government has struggled to claw back business confidence after the state capture years.
Business-led innovation is one of the factors could help close the empowerment and sustainability gaps
Implementing the country’s many masterplans demands capacity and focus from a department that has been pulled in different directions
The department’s minister, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, said small businesses are expected to propel economic growth
Party delegates chant ‘load-shedding’ as President Cyril Ramaphosa prepares to deliver his political report
With the economy in crisis, worsened by load-shedding, the fiscus must be more responsive
Growth in the third quarter is encouraging, but analysts have cautioned against viewing the data as a sign of the economy’s improved health
Analysts were expecting far more modest GDP growth, considering the mixed bag of economic data for the third quarter
Economist don’t expect an upgrade anytime soon, but the country is in a better position to claw back its investment grade rating
Our problems are load-shedding, high unemployment, unfavourable investment conditions, corruption and collapsing infrastructure
Critics of fiscal consolidation warned that spending cuts would harm an already fragile economy
The Reserve Bank governor has cautioned against ‘reckless’ fiscal and monetary policies amid global shocks
A healthier public purse could signal better days ahead, but a lot remains to be seen