These subjects take centre stage at a festival showcasing nearly
50 documentaries
The trees were first introduced to South Africa in 1656 and have become cultural icons
Water specialists have said the use of glyphosate is in contravention of the National Water Act and is a risk for humans and toxic for aquatic life
If allowed to pass the Vaal River Barrage, the plant has access to a journey of about 1 000km of the middle and lower Vaal river, the Bloemhof Dam and then into the Orange river
Australian crayfish, carp from Europe and Asia, silver carp from China, Nile tilapia, the North American largemouth bass and mosquitofish, suckermouth catfish from South America and alien snails have invaded the park
The search for biological control agents is underway
The turtles, native to the US, are listed as one of the world’s ‘Top 100’ worst invasive species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature
Covid lockdowns only applied to humans, while these five invasive species took advantage of the lack of activity to spread their wings
There is no control programme for common mynas and popular rose-ringed parakeets because of ‘budget constraints’
People who had them as pets, released them into the wild in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town
In South Africa, the gregarious aerial invaders are ‘here to stay’ for the next few million years, scientists say
Rate of spread of invasive species has ‘dramatically increased’
The invasive bug could unleash R275-billion in economic damage in next decade and urban areas stand to lose 65 million trees
The coverage of the invasive superweed has been reduced to 12.5% from 40% in February
A new study has found a lack of co-ordinated policy response to these interconnected issues
About 300 000 planthoppers have been released on Hartbeespoort Dam to control the green horror
The invasion of this destructive beetle wiping out trees is only in its infancy and scientists expect ecological and social costs to rack up
Judge finds that public participation in democratic processes is not the exclusive preserve of the privileged few who have access to the internet and can read English
If Earth warms by 3°C, a third of species living on land and about half of endemic marine species will become extinct