The Mail & Guardian asked a few of the regular contributors to the ThoughtLeader platform to give us their views on the top three books they read this year
The judicial system alone and appealing to miscreants has not stopped attacks on women
When you love both sexes, rejection comes from both the straight and the LGBTI+ communities
Married women, sex workers, men – all can be raped. To say otherwise protects perpetrators
Celebrating the first ‘black’ or ‘African’ woman to get a doctorate in philosophy raises critical issues
Milisuthando Bongela and Kwanele Sosibo explore interesting reads and both classic and new music
“You can grow black scholarship anywhere but I can’t see how we can continue to do this work in white institutions”
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/ 2 December 2007
<a href=""><img src="" align=left border=0></a>To say that the ANC Women’s League’s choice of presidential candidate leaves much to be desired would be a significant understatement. When the country’s most powerful women’s collective decides to back a man who has expressed some of the most irresponsible and retrograde views on women and sexuality, the rest of South Africa needs to ask some Âdifficult questions, writes Pumla Dineo Gqola.