Authorities reported that most air quality monitoring stations were frequently offline due to ongoing power blackouts
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The invasion of this destructive beetle wiping out trees is only in its infancy and scientists expect ecological and social costs to rack up
Dating techniques have traced the origins of the Venda language and culture to Mapungubwe, where two distinct cultures merged at initiation schools.
A new study says the river’s wetlands have accumulated toxic pollutants from mining for more than a century
The World Wide Fund for Nature says change needs to happen to halt the negative effects of livestock production on biodiversity and climate
The University of Cape Town’s Academic Freedom Committee has let intellectual freedom down regarding Professor Nicoli Nattrass’s commentary in the South African Journal of Science
The relationship between science and ethics is inextricable and a study that does not consider the latter in its design cannot be supported
My analysis has led the Institute for Communities and Wildlife in Africa to have a stronger focus on topics that have a clear bearing on social justice, conservation and community conservancies