The Act has the potential to mitigate environmental damage and boost South Africa’s standing globally
Are public-private partnerships capable of delivering real value or are they at risk of self-congratulatory spending and recognition?
The model has the potential to create significant change in a country in dire need of just that
Forward thinking and research that defines the societal impact of the 4IR reveals a realm of potential within a world of challenges
The Wits Communications team is committed to making research and science accessible through creative strategies and multiple platforms
Leader and ‘complete bee person’
Twenty-one years of recognising excellence in science, engineering, technology and innovation
Despite the changes wrought by 4IR, this challenging degree remains relevant
What type of person in what type of role will truly benefit from undertaking an MBA?
Trailblazing Travel Psychology
The value and responsibility of ethical tourism has a pull for the international traveller
Pull on your boots, prepare your backpack and get ready for long local hikes
Small companies are able to customise experiences and build critical relationships
Delivering high-end conferencing solutions to the global market
South Africa needs to diversify its main sources of income
The indaba has become a powerful platform for funding, networking, discussions, making deals and more
The National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences invests in revitalising South Africa’s higher educational spaces
Balancing Zim’s macro-economic environment to stimulate long-term growth
The policy and institutional reforms proposed will shift perceptions – and the economy
Food insecurity remains a pressing issue in South Africa – one that every individual, organisation and government body should commit to ending
The mistakes of the past should inform the politics of the future to ensure transformation, equality and economic growth
SMMEs require collateral to get going and thrive: trust is the key
NSTF-GreenMatter Award: towards biodiversity conservation, environmental sustainability and a greener economy by an individual or an organisation
TW Kambule-NSTF Award: Researcher through research and its outputs by an individual
TW Kambule-NSTF Award: Emerging Researcher through research and its outputs by an individual
TW Kambule-NSTF Award: Emerging Researcher through research and its outputs by an individual
Engineering Research Capacity Development Award by an individual
Engineering Research Capacity Development Award: by an individual
NSTF-Water Research Commission Award: towards achieving sustainable water management, knowledge generation and solutions with demonstrated leadership
Data for Research Award: for advancing the availability, management and use of data for research by an individual or an organisation
Innovation Award: Corporate Organisation for innovations and their research and/or development by a team or an individual
Slow operating system, random data spikes, sudden bank transactions – have you been hacked?